AXIOM Mutual Insurance Company is committed to excellence in serving and providing goods to all customers, including all people with disabilities.
To review Axiom Mutual’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan click here: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities.
To establish guidelines to ensure AXIOM Mutual Insurance Company is accessible to everyone in accordance with Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility Standards for Customer Service.
This Policy applies to all persons who deal with Members of the public or who participate in developing our company’s policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of services to the public; including staff, agents and directors.
AXIOM shall meet its duties and responsibilities under Ontario Regulation 429/07 by adhering to the following principles and practices:
AXIOM will ensure that all persons to whom this Policy applies receive training as required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. This includes training to employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or with third parties on our behalf. Within AXIOM, the following positions will be trained:
Office staff
Sales agents
In addition to current people in the above listed positions, this training will be provided as a part of the
hiring process for all new hires and will be delivered as an electronic presentation or reading materials
depending on the individuals request.
The training will be tailored to suit each person’s interactions with the public and his or her involvement in the development of policies, procedures and practices pertaining to the provision of services.
The training shall include:
a review of the purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07)
AXIOM’s Customer Service Plan relating to accessibility.
How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disabilities.
How to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person.
What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing the company’s goods or services.
The training will be provided on an ongoing basis as changes occur to the AXIOM’s policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities.
Records shall be kept indicating the date and training provided, and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.
AXIOM will ensure that our staff is trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our goods or services.
In the event a person with a disability is hindered from accessing our goods or services through the use of their own personal assistive device, we may offer a person with a disability other reasonable measures to assist him or her in obtaining, or benefiting from our goods and services, where we have such other measures available.
AXIOM will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that consider their disability.
All documents relating to the Customer Service Regulation 429/07 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 are available upon request. Axiom Mutual Insurance Company will provide policy and procedure documents in an alternate format upon request, within a reasonable amount of time. Alternate formats will include availability on Axiom Mutual Insurance Company’s website, large print versions of the document and a text only electronic file (word document) which can then be read by screen reading software.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or if you would like to request a copy of our policy, please contact:
Human Resources
Axiom Mutual Insurance Company
37868 Zurich-Hensall Road,
Zurich, ON N0M 2T0
Tel.: (519)-246-1132
79 Caradoc Street N,
Strathroy, ON N7G 2M5
Tel.: (519)-246-1132
AXIOM welcomes people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public.
Section 4(9) of the Accessibility Standards on Customer Service indicates that an animal is a service animal if (1) it is readily apparent that the animal is being used for reasons related to a person’s disability; or (2) if the person provides a letter from the doctor or nurse confirming that the animal is required for reasons relating to the disability.
A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them on our premises.
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities, AXIOM will notify customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises of the facility or by other reasonable methods, as appropriate.
When the disruption is planned, advance notice will be provided.
Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way AXIOM Mutual Insurance provides goods and services to people with disabilities can do so in the manner deemed most convenient.
All feedback will be kept in strict confidence and will be used to improve customer service. Complaints will be addressed according to our organization’s regular complaint management procedures.
For a copy of the fillable PDF feedback form click here > Member Accessibility Feedback form Fillable
Any policy of AXIOM Mutual Insurance Company that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.